Sunday, September 21, 2014

20 Billion Chinese Investment & Risks

India is on fund raising spree or is it vice versa , everyone in this world is keen to invest  billion of dollars in India . Whichever way it is this is a good sign . India needs captial just like US needed it in 19th century and Japan needed it in 1950s and 1960s .

This capital along with human leverage can do wonders to Indian economy . So this will  augurs well for Indian stock market but what are the long term risks

1)  War risk are real : US enjoyed nearly decades of peace and even world wars and battle thereon were never fought on US soil . This is a big positive steroid for economy. India however does not have this benefits . It is circled by players who either not stable themselves or have expansionist dreams . India has been fortunate not to have BIG wars after 1971 . This has helped economy to grow and people to earn double digit returns from stock market.

2) Political Risk are real . Indian politicians have to manage recency factor on account of elections which happens every year in some form  or the other. . Unless we synronise these events and say 2014 , 2019 etc are election years for National . State elections we will never get politicians to focus on developmental issues.

3) Liquidity and Capital Risk are real : India is capital starved country and if the capital flight begins  and when that  happens it's impact will be severe . India has got used to huge FII and FDI money that comes in through different means . Losing it will mean dramatic collapse of Stock markets

Does this we should not invest in stock market . Well the risk to not do it is even higher ... More on that in the next week 

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